One on One

Radical Self-Acceptance (RSA)

Starting at $200 / Hour

Radical Self-Acceptance (RSA) is my cornerstone approach to healing the deepest injury of Trauma- the separation from self that causes you to feel unseen and unmet, not good enough and alone. Using this simple and gentle approach shifts self-abandonment into complete self-acceptance experienced in all your relationships as confidence, clarity and ease.

Every difficulty in your life is rooted in a separation from self that occurred during a moment of distress from the past and is keeping you stuck in old unhealthy patterns. To heal our external relationships, we must heal our internal relationship!

The separation from self that takes place during trauma is an unconscious protective response meant to keep us safe from harm. When we become distressed, our Subconscious Mind interrupts the natural rise and fall motion of our feelings – the motion in e-motion – and fragments off the part of the self that carries the emotional distress, much like a surgeon cuts off a foot with gangrene to protect the whole leg. It is this unconscious emotional interruption and separation that occurs many times throughout the lifetime that creates a fracture in our relationship with self. And it is this fracture that becomes the template for many of the difficulties, restrictions, and sensitivities we experience in life.

Radical Self-Acceptance (RSA) is a practical and easy to use approach for deep healing. The 4 basic dialogues and two deepener dialogues are simple to use and will quickly become your go-to approach for feeling seen and accepted, release emotional blocks and experiencing clarity, presence and confidence in your relationships.

Stay tuned for my newest book about this powerful approach!

The fee for The Completion Dialogues is $200 / one hour session (plus tax)

lets do this.

I'm looking forward to working with you!

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