Hi I'm Tami ...

Our stories are unique, but they are also the same ...

I had a fulfilling therapy practice, two amazing children, great friends, and a stable and kind marriage. On a good day, my life felt in control but on a bad day, I felt exactly as I had when I was a young teenager – insecure, anxious, and not good enough.

And there were a lot of bad days.

I thought I had healed the old wounds, but I only got better at hiding them. I still felt like I had to do everything alone but now I was a mother, so it was expected. I still felt that I wasn’t smart or capable enough but now I could armour myself with my degrees. I still self-medicated to hide my boredom and dissatisfaction, but now it was with wine and not drugs.

I gave more of myself than I kept, and I rushed through my days doing what I thought I was supposed to – being responsible and following the rules of the game -but I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was not right. That I wasn’t right.

And the harder I tried, the more painfully alone I felt.

Then, just before my 40th birthday, my life changed. While on vacation in Singapore, a vein ruptured unexpectedly inside my mother’s brain, and she collapsed and died. A second-generation Holocaust survivor who carried the pain and grief of her parent’s loss, my mother spent 65 years frightened to fully step into her own potential. Her childhood fears of losing the people she loved often immobilized her, keeping her stuck in old, outdated patterns of protection.

“Don’t make waves, be a good girl and always take care of others.”

My mother’s sudden death yanked me out of a trance as I realized that so much of my own life had been based on old fears, beliefs and patterns that were set in my childhood.

While trying to protect myself from my old pain I was creating new pain. I was abandoning myself and getting in the way of my own purpose.

I began to look at the old programs that were still running my life and blocking my growth. The ones I structured my whole life trying to avoid.

‘I have to be in control to feel safe’

‘I can’t rely on anyone else but myself’

‘I am alone’

These Core Beliefs have been controlling my life since I was a young child. Everything I had done in my life was in response to these un-truths. It was time to unburden myself and step into a reality that I consciously created, not one that was programmed 40 years ago.

I began to really look at myself and all the ways I was avoiding my truth. I started to show up more fully in my relationships, less edited. Less guarded. When my anxiety came up, and with it the parts of myself that were surrounded by shame, disappointment and anger, I listened instead of distracting myself with busyness.

I explored new approaches that I had been drawn to for years, but they didn’t fit with who I thought I should be. Now, I combined my traditional training with Hypnotherapy, Somatic Therapy, Energy Therapy, EMDR, EFT, Mindfulness Based Therapies, Past Life Regression, and Spiritual Development.

And I developed a new therapy – The Completion Dialogues- to focus on my teenage self and heal my relationship with her.

Today I am free.

I am no longer terrified of being found out as not good enough or weak. I no longer feel like an imposter and I don’t feel alone. Does that mean that I am perfect, or that I have everything under control? Hell, no! But I don’t carry the heavy weight of the past, and I have a loving place inside me where I belong, and I am welcomed and accepted, no matter how many times I screwed up. I know my strengths, and I am committed to sharing my gifts with this world. I hope you will join me.

You have unique gifts that this world desperately needs.

My mission is to help you release the old fears, and un-truths that have been running your life and getting in the way of your growth. I want to help you move from a state of protection to a state of true connection, where you are free to uncover your strengths, confidence and purpose and can finally step into the most authentic experience of your life.

Allow me to guide you beyond the limits of who you thought you were, to a new reality of who you really are.


My Beliefs

We are made of mind, body and spirit. All three aspects must be included in a healthy lifestyle. When one of these is off balance, the whole system is affected, and we experience suffering.

When emotions are not processed, they create a stuckness in the mind-body spirit and can manifest in mental, emotional or physical symptoms. A central role of therapy is to cultivate the ability to process emotions.

We all have small, medium and large experiences of overwhelm where we feel sad, scared or ashamed and alone with these feelings. These experiences are at the core of ALL our life difficulty.

All of our unhealthy habits, addictions, and vices are protective in nature. The key is to uncover how they are protecting us and build new, supportive habits that don’t carry such a large price.

Most of our functioning and the way we structure our life is based on beliefs and protective patterns that were created before the age of 8. Bringing these unconscious patterns to conscious awareness is a central part of therapy.

When I was in graduate school, the leading theory on the brain was that brain cells could not regenerate. Now we know that the brain changes all the time. Connections between brain cells can be strengthened or atrophied, and it is up to us to choose
which connections we want to make stronger and which weaker.

 Trauma is stored in the nervous system, therefor we must consider our nervous system in our healing process. Nervous system regulation is essential for long-lasting health.

Bringing our attention to the body is essential for deep and permanent change. We use the body to reveal information and to anchor the healing.

Mindfulness is everything in therapy! The ability to take a step back and observe what is occurring in our mind and our body is the foundation for healing and life-long health.

Every difficulty is an opportunity to deepen our commitment to ourselves and release the old beliefs and unconscious patterns that are holding us back. We all have a purpose and gifts to share. It’s our task to find what they are and open them!

My Education

Ways We Can Work Together


Sessions are available in-office or online



Self-paced online courses



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I have helped thousands of clients create a life of authenticity, purpose and joy!


lets do this.

I'm looking forward to working with you!

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