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Therapy Beyond The Couch

Are you stuck in old beliefs and unconscious patterns?

What would it feel like to release your unconscious blocks and uncover your strength, purpose and joy?

Are you stuck in old beliefs and unconscious patterns?

What would it feel like to release your unconscious blocks and uncover your strength, purpose and joy?

Are you stuck in old beliefs and unconscious patterns?

What would it feel like to release your unconscious blocks and uncover your strength, purpose and joy?

Did you know that 95% of your daily life is controlled by unconscious beliefs and protective strategies that were created when you were a child?

These patterns of thought, feeling and behaviour are keeping you anxious, ashamed and disconnected.

I have helped thousands of clients create a life of authenticity, purpose and joy!

I am a Psychotherapist, Hypnotherapist and EMDR Practitioner. I have been helping people for 22 years release the unconscious blocks that prevent them from living their purpose, and sharing their gifts with the world.

I use a holistic and integrative approach that incorporates the wisdom of your mind, body and spirit to uncover, heal and build an internal and external life that is authentic, whole and compassionate.

New Book Release!

Healing With Dreams By Tami Amit

Healing With Dreams

A guided dream journal for revealing your deepest desires, unconscious fears, and unlimited life purpose

Uncover the unconscious messages hidden in your dreams and become your own healer with my guided dream journal.

  • Part 1: Understand the healing power your dreams
  • Part 2: Learn the dream interpretation approach I have been using with my clients for 22 years
  • Part 3: Unlock the messages in your own dreams using my powerful approach (80 pages of practice)

Take the first step

Uncover which Core Belief is controlling your life and blocking your growth

Take the Core Belief Quiz and find out:


Why uncovering your Core Belief is the first step in creating a life of strength, authenticity and purpose


What your Core Belief is and what this means


How your Core Belief was created


How your Core Belief is negatively impacting your life


A 7-step tool for releasing your Core Belief and replacing it with one that is positive and true

How I can help

Remove outdated core beliefs & protective strategies

A professor of mine used to say, "you wouldn't let a 5-year old sign a contract. So why do you let the conclusions and strategies you created at five define your reality now?" Replacing the core beliefs and protective strategies that were created in childhood with ones that are supportive and aligned with who we are today, is essential for creating a life that is purposeful and empowered.

Cultivate compassion & self acceptance

As we do this transformative healing work, we get out of our heads and into our hearts. We no longer live in fear of being found out that we are not good enough. We no longer take things personally and react defensively. We are free to be more present, whole and self-accepting of all our needs and imperfections. 

Heal your relationship with self and with others

What parts of yourself do you wish were not there? Your relationship with these parts- your intolerance and rejection of them- plays out in all your other relationships, creating hurt and pain in your interactions with other people and with life itself. Healing the fractured relationship within allows you to transform shame into confidence and fear into self-compassion.  

Release symptoms of Anxiety & Depression

Symptoms of anxiety, depression (and all other physical and emotional disorders) are rooted in beliefs about ourselves that are disempowering and limiting. Reprogramming these old patterns is essential to removing the symptoms associated with depression and anxiety.    

Release Trauma

We are all traumatized! And it is the small, medium and large traumas from our past that, when left in the unconscious state of mind, inform all of our interactions from the most mundane to the most profound. Releasing Trauma is essential to creating the life of your dreams, but it doesn't have to be painful. There are many ways to release trauma without re-visiting past experiences. I will show you how.

Uncover your wisdom, purpose & authenticity

You are here for a reason. Your gifts are unique and are meant to be uncovered and shared with the world. Think of this powerful transformative work as removing the boulders strewn along the path of your life's journey, uncovering your strengths and unique gifts and completing your mission in this life time. 

Learn essential tools for life-long health

Gift yourself essential tools that you can use in your own life and share with your friends and family. I will teach you easy and practical tools I have learned over the past 22 years for shifting your mental, emotional, physical and energetic state.

Build Strength and Resilience

Let's face it, life can be hard sometimes. The ability to bounce back quickly while staying centered and grounded is a huge resource. Through our work you will uncover your strengths and be able to navigate all that life has to offer.

Strengthen the muscle of mindfulness

Mindfulness is the practice of being present with your thoughts and feelings without analyzing, judging or reacting to them. This is the most important skill in any healthy lifestyle. Together we will build a strong mindfulness muscle that will help you heal, grow and become the best version of you.

My Areas of Practice

Sessions are available in-office or online

You're in the right place.

Hello There!

I am Tami Amit

I am a Psychotherapist, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and EMDR Practitioner in Vancouver, Canada. If you are wanting to create change in your life, then you have come to the right place. We are a clinic for holistic, integrative and complete change-work. If you’d like to book a session head over to the contact page or just contact me via email or phone.

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Get Your Hands

On My New Book

The Completion Dialogues Method: The new therapy for healing our loneliness and disconnection by repairing our most fundamental relationship – with our self! (to be released in 2022). See Full Details Here >

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