One on One


Starting at $300 / 90 Minutes

Hypnotherapy is an effective tool for creating change in habits, beliefs, and internal dialogue. In essence, anything that gets in the way of you living in JOY. We can use the state of hypnosis (focused relaxation) to heal traumas, eliminate triggers and create new habitual patterns.

Hypnotherapy is also an incredibly relaxing state that gives you a chance to quiet the chattering in your mind and shift your body (finally) into a state of rest and healing.

Hypnotherapy is a state of consciousness that is very similar to deep meditation where your mind and body are relaxed, and your focus is singular. whereas in meditation you focus on a mantra, your breath, the space between your thoughts or nothing (nearly impossible for me), in hypnosis you focus on your internal experience as it shifts and flows (under the guidance of a hypnotherapist).
Another popular way to describe the state of hypnosis is as focusing on one thing at the detriment of another.

For example, did you know that when you are watching a movie, you are in hypnosis? You are immersed in and focused on the storyline, unaware of the fact that you are sitting in a movie theatre, watching actors on a screen. The only time you become aware of where you are, and what you are doing is if the ‘show’ is boring, or doesn’t quite make sense (doesn’t fit with your internal logic). That means that for the duration of the movie (for the most part) your Conscious mind (the part of your mind that tells you that you are in a movie theatre, watching actors on a screen) steps aside, and your Subconscious mind, which does not know the difference between what is real and what is imagined is in charge.

Now it’s important to know that during hypnosis, your conscious/critical mind is not absent. It is very much still there, ready to interject when the suggestions don’t make sense or don’t fit with your logic and/or values. That is why NO-ONE can be made to do anything they don’t want to while under hypnosis.

There are levels of hypnosis for different types of therapeutic work. You will ALWAYS be aware of what is happening at all times. You will NEVER be unconscious at any point in the session. You will ALWAYS have full memory and be able to reflect (in fact it’s encouraged) on the session.

What is the difference between Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy?

The difference is training, and it’s an important distinction. You can learn the tool of hypnosis in a day or two (in fact I will teach you the tool of self-hypnosis). But Clinical Hypnotherapy is learning what to do therapeutically when someone is in a state of hypnosis. Essentially Hypnotherapists are leveraging the state of hypnosis (deep relaxation combined with focus) to create powerful change-work. That takes many months of training.

What does hypnosis feel like?

Hypnosis feels like deep relaxation, like the state just before you fall asleep. Your body may be relaxed and loose, feeling safe and cared for. Your mind will be open to creativity, intuition and suggestion. Depending on the work that we are doing (regression work, imagery and visualization, connecting with different aspects of self…) your experience will shift, but the feeling of relaxation and safety will remain.

Who is Hypnotherapy for?

Hypnotherapy is for anyone is that wants to change habitual patterns, heal trauma, release Depression, Anxiety, chronic pain, and anything else that blocks your natural flow. Remember that hypnosis is a natural state that everyone is experiencing much of the time. Whenever you are focused on something at the absence of something else (like when you’re driving and reach your destination with hardly a conscious thought on the road). With Hypnotherapy we simply take control of this process. YOU get to choose what you want to focus on rather than the automatic part of your mind that chooses for you.

Can everyone be hypnotized?

Everyone who wants to be hypnotized can be hypnotized! Some people just take a bit longer than others to get to a state of Somnambulism which is the optimal level of hypnosis needed for healing work. I will work with you figuring out what is needed to get you there. Much like meditation, with hypnosis the more you do it, the easier it becomes for you to be hypnotized. I will teach you self-hypnosis and encourage you to practice at home.

Does Hypnosis make you lose control?

Absolutely not! All hypnosis is self-hypnosis which means that it is really YOU who is in control and allowing yourself to go into hypnosis. Much like in the watching a movie scenario described – just because you are immersed in the movie doesn’t mean that you are not in control. You can take yourself out of hypnosis whenever you want, negate any suggestion that doesn’t fit for you, and choose what to say and what not to say as you wish.

Will you make me cluck like a chicken?

Not unless you want to.

Remember that in hypnosis you cannot be made to do something you don’t want to. The trick in stage hypnosis is that they pick many people and then filter out all the ones that really, truly don’t want to be silly on stage (and so they won’t), until they are left with a small number of people that want to give away their control and do silly things on stage. The only reason they can be made to do it, is because they want to.

The fee for Clinical Hypnotherapy is $300 / 90 minute session (plus tax)

lets do this.

I'm looking forward to working with you!

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