One on One

Mindfulness Therapy

Mindfulness is the practice of being present with your thoughts, feelings and body sensations without analyzing, judging or reacting to them. Many approaches I use have mindfulness embedded in them. In fact, Mindfulness is used in every single session with me!

There are multiple benefits to mindfulness therapy, including reduced Anxiety and Depression, reduced stress, worry and rumination, reduced emotional reactivity, increased focus, increased well being and increased happiness and joy!

The practice of mindfulness is like stepping out of the river of your thoughts, feelings and body sensations, standing at the water’s edge and observing the water flowing by. This empowers your mind to be clear – unhindered by confusing narratives – and present, not a slave to the past. Mindfulness is the path to growth and healing.

lets do this.

I'm looking forward to working with you!

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