
Feeling Conflicted? Gestalt therapists have been using this technique for decades

Do you ever have conflicting ideas about something? Say, your mind is telling you to take your relationship to the next level, but your heart disagrees. Or maybe there is a part of you that wants to apply for that promotion at work, but another part is too scared to move. This happens to everyone, and […]

Feeling Conflicted? Gestalt therapists have been using this technique for decades Read More »

Can’t Control Your Emotions? Try the Container Technique

Say you had a major fight with your partner just as you were walking out the door on your way to work. You drive to your office rehearsing all the things you should have said, feeling the anger grow, and expand. Finally, you arrive at work, collapse into your chair and can feel all that energizing,

Can’t Control Your Emotions? Try the Container Technique Read More »

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